Your donation will assist Dr. Nunnally in continuing his 40-year journey of developing Bible-based, Jewish studies materials that makes a difference in the lives of those who desire to know God better.
After retiring from the University, Dr. Nunnally spends even more time studying the Bible, the early rabbis, the Dead Sea Scrolls and other ancient texts. From this, he produces videos for a variety of uses including personal, small group & church.
All of Dr. Nunnally’s teachings are available at no charge and to be used to enrich and develop the viewer. Freely we have received, freely we give.
A newer 2024 project includes filming Dr. Nunnally teaching Bible on-site in ISRAEL using his knowledge of Bible, ancient sources, archeology, topography, culture and Biblical & modern Hebrew.
In April 2024, over 130 Biblical teachings were shot on location in Israel. Please consider making a donation to assist with the EDITING COST associated with this project! Hearing a Jewish studies expert expound on the Word, on location in Israel provides deep teaching.
Both Wave and Lacey are sold out to spending the remainder of their lives fulfilling the mission that God has given them.
Will you consider joining them to help make & strengthen disciples who love the Lord their God with all their heart, mind, soul and strength?